Insulation, Floatation Device or Famine Storage

I have spent the last couple of months addressing some my food issues.  I say some because they are many.  I’ve talked about my chocolate addiction, calorie elimination,  those nasty gremlins that shrink your clothes, my love/hate relationship with scales, my lack of will power, stress eating and rebellion.  Now it is time to stop talking and start walking.I began my nutrition program last weekend.  Not a total conversion, but half.  If I wait for total commitment it will not happen.  Something is better than nothing, right?  So here are my beginning measurements:

  • Weight: 212.5 lbs
  • Bust: 46″
  • Waist: 46″
  • Thigh: 28″  (2 inches bigger than my waist in high school . . . .much sadness)
  • Upper Arm: 15.5″
  • Clothing size: 20

Attitude and Perspective

Though by definition I am obese this word conjures up pictures of severe dieting, deprivation, depression and failure.  I choose to look at it differently.  My body has been storing for the next famine.  I have excellent insulation for cold weather.   In case of a water landing it can be used as a flotation device.

Baby Steps Will Change a Lifetime of Bad Habits

I’m starting with the meal schedule and portion size.  I have developed the habit of having a glass of milk in the morning and then not eating until noon or later.  Then I would each a huge lunch and snack the rest of the afternoon.  Now I start my day with a glass of chocolate milk because it is all I can stomach when I get up.  I have a healthy snack about mid-morning.  I eat a lite and balanced lunch.  I have a snack about mid-afternoon.  I eat dinner at our regular time and then have a small protein rich snack before bed.  I’m already feeling better and have more energy.

The Goal

My goal is 75 lbs gone within a year.  That is about 1.4 lbs per week.  I’m not looking to get back my pin-up figure from high school.

I want to feel more like this

than this.

9 thoughts on “Insulation, Floatation Device or Famine Storage

  1. Pingback: The Slowly Shrinking Me | myoxisamoron

  2. lol. I’m trying to put on weight… i’m way too skinny.. trust me it’s equally difficult.. after reading this I remembered that I too am on a plan. Thanks for it.. Good luck.. : ) hope we acheive that physique we desire 😉 : )
    Cheers! : )


  3. You are not alone my friend. I’d been working out and still not on the ideal weight I wanted. I have weakness for sweets and I would relapse often. Oh, well, I’ll keep trying. Beautiful post that inspires. Thanks.


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